It's not even Christmas Day and Levi has already had 3 rounds of family get to gethers already! He's seen a lot of family and gotten a lot of great new toys and clothes. He sure liked playing with wrapping paper while helping Mommy wrap up gifts too. Tomorrow he will have 3 more Christmas gatherings :) It's been a few long, fun, busy days, without a lot of napping! We'll include some pictures from the past few days.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
2 Home Days this Week:)
Levi got to stay home with Mommy two days this week. It was good, but Mommy sure didn't feel good:( Levi had a great time staying home and hanging out in PJ's just like Lynley likes to do! I wish we could stay home everyday, but the good news is Levi gets to stay home with Mommy for the next 2 weeks! Boy will it be hard to go back to school after break. We can't wait to enjoy Levi's first Christmas together. Enjoy the pictures from our days at home this week.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Lots of New Things
This has been a big week for Levi. Last night he got to eat cereal for the first time. He was pretty tired by the time grandpa got here to videotape it for daddy. There wasnt too big of a mess and he seemed to do pretty well with it. We also decided to try letting him cry at night instead of rushing in with the pacifier several times a night. The first time he woke up Mommy couldn't stand hearing him cry so much that she caved and went to his rescue. At midnight when he woke again he cried for 15 minutes stopped and decided to go another 10. It sure killed Mommy to hear her baby boy crying so long, but once Levi got back to sleep he slept all the way til 5. This evening when we got home our Bumbo had come in the mail. We got it out and tried it right away. We will post some pictures of our new adventures soon.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Yucky Yucky Shots:(
Yesterday Levi had to go get his 4 month check up and shots. Yesterday he did very well. He really didn't even cry that much after the shots. He even smiled at the nurse after I picked him up. She said he forgave her! After the shots we got to go to Johnny Carinos with Aunt Sabra, Uncle Paul, Grandma, and cousin Lynley. We also got quite a bit of christmas shopping done yesterday and today. Levi loves to go shopping just like his Mommy! Tonight Grandpa and Grandma Hale came over for supper. Levi wasn't feeling quite himself tonight. He had a very slight fever and was pretty fussy:( Hopefully he can get some good sleep and feel better in the
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Big Night!!!!
Levi rolled over tonight 2 times for Mommy to see. Now he just needs to do it for Daddy tomorrow, so he can see too! Of course when I got the video camera out all he did was lay there and stare at the camera and not move at all:(
Friday, November 23, 2007
First Thanksgiving
Levi had a great time on his first Thanksgiving. He got to meet several family that had never seen him before. He was pretty quiet at Grandma and Grandpa Hale's because he's never seen so many people packed in a house like that before:) Mommy even got to hold Landon who is only 3 weeks old. He spit up all over her shirt too! After that we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Filler's house where it was quite a bit calmer. Levi actually made it all day long in his Thanksgiving bib that Aunt Sabra bought. Levi was being such a good boy that on the way home Mommy and Daddy decided to take him to Meijer and Walmart! Levi got a new outfit, a new toy, and a new pacifier. If the pacifier falls on the floor it has a little case that closes around it. After all that shopping Levi decided he would stay up late and watch the movie with Mommy and Daddy until almost 11! We'll attach some pictures from the day for you to enjoy.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
First Halloween Costume
Today I tried Levi's Halloween Costume on him that aunt Sabra picked out last night. I didn't think it was going to be all that cute, but oh my word is it ever. Good thing Halloween is tomorrow too because it just fit him. His feet are so big there's only one way to get his feet to go in it. Grandpa Randy already stopped by and got some pictures of him. Levi will get to go trick or treating with Lynley tomorrow night. Here's a little picture spoiler.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Levis First Vacation
On Wednesday morning we set out to Chattanooga, TN with Levi. It's amazing how much stuff we had to pack for a 14 pounder just to get him through a few days:)) He did great in the car. The trip took one hour longer than it usually does for Grandma and Grandpa, so that's not too bad. On the way here Levi slept 5 hours combined in 2 naps in the car. For the last hour out of 8, Mommy got in the back to keep him entertained because Levi was DONE with riding in the carseat. We played with crinkley noise froggy, looked in the mirror, watched out the window. You name it we tried it. The picture posted is one of Levi in his uncle Brian's optometry office.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sleepy Sleepy Boy with a Hat
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
2 month shots:(
Friday Levi had his 2 month vaccination shots and it was awful. Daddy stood up at the table with him and when I looked at his face and heard him scream on the first shot I teared up big time. The nurse was really quick and we got to pick him up right away. We gave him some tylenol and he calmed down and went to sleep pretty quick. He did really well the rest of the day just pretty much sleeping and eating. He's not felt like himself much since and has been very fussy.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Kohl's Trip #2
I think Levi listened to his mommy about how great Kohl's is. Saturday we went again and this time got Levi a really cute outfit since they were still having their really good sale. What's so great is to see Lawrence actually into buying clothes! Definitely a sight to see!!! Levi made out good at Kohl's and then especially at Children's Place. He slept through both stores. He must have known we were getting him some cute stuff!!! We had a great time spoilin our little boy. He's definitely the best dressed baby in Middletown!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Shoppin Day
Today Levi and Grandpa Randy and Mommy headed out for the power hour sale at Kohl's. Levi does not share Mommy's love for Kohl's yet:( We must work on that. Shortly after looking at clothes he got really fussy so Grandpa took him and fed him and then because he was walking around while giving the bottle Levi spit up good on Grandpa!!! He continued to be fussy even after eating:( We decided to go home, but Grandma wanted us to try to go eat some supper with her. Levi was really good when we met up with Grandma at Cracker Barrel. This after being red faced and having tears in Kohl's. He must already recognize a good restaurant when he sees one! Good Boy!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Boring Powerless Night
Levi was having a great time smiling and cooing in his swing tonight when all of a sudden the power went out. It wasn't long after the seat stopped swinging he was fussin to get out. It's now about 2 hours later and Levi is sawing logs and I'm bored to death without TV to watch. Soon the laptop will die also:( I will say I'm loving the new pacifier Levi has. He actually went to sleep tonight without a bottle or putting him in his miracle blanket! With no AC it's too hot to put him in that thing. I just hope it doesn't break his streak of sleeping through the night! Since I have no monitor to listen to Levi is in the basket tonight in the living room with me until Daddy gets home. I'll post a picture, this will probably be one of his last times because if he stretches out his legs he's actually longer than the inside of the basket!!! It's hard to believe he used to look so little in it.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Lynley and Levi
Today we got to have Lynley over to our house for a visit. I really enjoyed holding her while she slept and feeding her. She's starting to have some really precious smiles. Uncle Lawrence didn't want to go to work with the company we had still at our house. Grandma Dee got to spend the afternoon taking care of Levi. We even got to see Great Uncle Nanny Patrick after supper at Grandma Dee and Grandpa Larry's.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Baby Stuff!!!
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